Mrs. Sanchez-Ayoob Raises 179 Kids (Plus Three of Her Own)

Ella Brait, Contributor

Coaching children, whether in sports or in life, has always been something that Mrs. Sanchez-Ayoob has incorporated into her life. 

She is seen in her Advisory class, teaching new freshmen how to write up an email towards teachers about assignments and talking about how she can’t wait to see the “butterflies” they will all become once they are seniors. 

After a few years of a successful career, coaching the professional cheer and dance team at Marin Catholic and working in the “corporate world,” Mrs. Sanchez-Ayoob chose to go back to graduate school and become a teacher. 

Mrs. Sanchez-Ayoob took on lots of substitute jobs at middle schools in San Rafael and most importantly San Rafael High School while still in graduate school. Once she had graduated, she knew she wanted to work at SRHS.

Mrs. Sanchez-Ayoob has recently taken the job of teaching ASB at SRHS. The class is filled with student body representatives, all planning towards school events and fundraising. The class takes a lot of interaction between the administration and the students, running rallies and school spirit weeks.

Mrs. Sanchez-Ayoob says it is all about “wanting to get kids stoked about coming to school.” She took on this extra class this year in an effort to connect with the students and help them out. 

Bats, spider-webs, and the strong scent of cinnamon is Mrs. Sanchez-Ayoob’s room during the Halloween season. In a few weeks, the Christmas decor will be up as it is her favorite season. 

Looking out into the quad, especially during a rally, it is very likely to see Mrs. Sanchez-Ayoob standing around either laughing or ordering someone around for a certain activity. When at a football game, you can count on seeing her cheering on the team and interacting with students. Mrs. Sanchez-Ayoob is always there, in the most reassuring way. 

When she was younger, Mrs. Sanchez-Ayoob was surrounded by a big and supportive family. She has four brothers and four sisters, meaning there was always someone around. 

“I am the eldest. I have lots and lots of little gremlins to torture, in addition to you guys,” said Mrs. Sanchez-Ayoob. She does not hesitate in referring to her students as her children. 

“I don’t think you could ask for a better colleague that has your back, that will do what is asked and exceed expectations,” said Bobbi Brett, a longtime teacher at SRHS and the Department Chair of the hiring committee when Mrs. Sanchez-Ayoob was hired.

Near the end of my interview, Mrs. Sanchez-Ayoob shared her wisdom about why she became a history teacher. She had started off in college wanting to deliver babies. She was enrolled in a pre-med course and taking Organic Chemistry. She was quick to talk about how the class did not go so well for her. 

“If you do not get through Organic Chemistry, it’s okay, you can come out on top as a history teacher.”

Mrs. Sanchez-Ayoob is not only known for her quick-witted humor, but known to be passionate about her students and their success.

“I like how it feels like a mutual or balanced kind of relationship instead of a superior teacher and scared student thing,” said Cristina Murdick, a senior in Media Academy and ASB at SRHS.

She even goes as far to plan out of school activities that directly relate to in-school learning. Hannah Knudsen, a senior in Media Academy, recalls a story from her sophomore year. Mrs. Sanchez-Ayoob had created an extra credit class assignment to go to Century Northgate Theatre and watch the movie 1917, a somewhat true story about the First World War. Most of the class ended up showing up. 

“We are invested in you guys as humans. I’m trying to retire on your paychecks, I need you to do well,” says Mrs. Sanchez-Ayoob.