It was the closing game of the Mission City Invitational and the San Rafael boys varsity soccer team was facing Ukiah High School, the opponent that knocked them out of NCS last year in the semi-final round.
Ukiah put two goals on the board early in the first half. With ten minutes left in the half, San Rafael scored to keep themselves in the game. A minute later, Ukiah scored again. The half ended with a score of 3-1.
The second half was a battle full of grit and heart displayed from both teams. San Rafael was able to score one more goal that half, but fell one goal short to equalize the game, giving Ukiah another win that weekend.
The goal for the invitational was high level and competitive soccer. Ukiah, San Rafael, and the other teams in attendance did not disappoint. “If you attended you would have seen that some of those games are top notch games in a playoff atmosphere, during the month of December,” says Jose De La Rosa, San Rafael High School Assistant Boys Varsity Coach.
When they started at SR, De La Rosa and Jermie Brunet tackled the roles of Athletic Director and Assistant Athletic Director together. Throughout their time in those positions they tried to provide students with the best experiences through their sport. Now, after becoming teachers, they had a little more time on their hands and wanted to find another way to showcase San Rafael athletes and other top teams in Northern California.
They always went back to the idea of hosting an invitational, a long sought dream of theirs. “[De La Rosa] set out his vision, and I was like let’s do it,” said Jeremie Brunet, San Rafael Assistant Varsity Coach. This would be the first high school soccer invitational brought to Marin County.
The 11 teams invited were Archie Williams, Everett Alvarez, Granada, Mcclatchy, Montgomery, Newark Memorial, Redwood, Richmond, Sonoma Valley, Terra Linda, and Ukiah. All top schools in their local conferences and NCS.
The coaching staff charged a fee of $350 for teams to play two matches, and half the price if they only played one. The fee would give teams the chance to play one or two games, with ball boys/girls, officials, announcers, access to an athletic trainer, invitational shirts, and an endless amount of pictures.
“[The invitational] was very fun. The atmosphere, being closer to home, and getting to experience something I hadn’t before,” says Emerson Calderon, San Rafael Boys Varsity Soccer Player.
The Everett Alvarez High School team, coming from Salinas, had to spend the weekend in Marin. The coach says that the weekend was packed with meaningful memories on and off the field that the players will definitely carry with them forever.
“A once in a lifetime experience, no doubt. A must come to event for any team looking for top competition,” says Gabriel Campos, Everett Alvarez High School Boys Varsity Soccer Coach.
Apart from ensuring that they invited competitive teams, the San Rafael coaching staff wanted to showcase schools whose student body is similar to that of SR. The majority of the students at SR are hispanic and middle/lower income students. “We wanted to invite schools that were like us. Not only finding the best soccer we could find, but schools whose student population is like us,” says Brunet.
Both Assistant Coaches Brunet and De La Rosa’s biggest goals are to contribute to the community and keep providing students with the same opportunities, regardless of their socio-economic status, where they live, and the exposure they’ve had before. Right now they’re doing it through soccer.
Although they were the backbone of the event, they credit the whole community for making the event possible. They had several students, family, and other community members helping with the snack shack, score board, and announcing. They also had sponsors like Gigi’s One Bite Wonder, Betsy’s Tacos, and America SCORES.
The sponsors were all people from the community that the boys soccer team and staff have made strong connections with. The boys always get sandwiches from Betsy’s Moonlight Deli before away games, Gigi is an SR alum, and assistant boys varsity coach, Alex Argueta, is the North Bay Program Director for America SCORES.
“The invitational was made by the community, for the community,” says Brunet.
The purpose for this invitational was to not only showcase some of the best nearby talent, but to give back to the community as well. From gate entrance revenue, they were able to donate $1000 to Canal Wifi. Many SRHS students live in Canal and benefit from this service. So, donating there was a no brainer for the coaching staff.
Hosting an invitational next year is still a big maybe. However, De La Rosa says, “We want to make this a tradition. Eventually get to the point where we are inviting college coaches.”
If the invitational happens next year, they hope to expand and better every part of the invitational. They hope for more sponsors, a bigger donation to their “purpose,” and even connection with hotels. Although very content with the event, both Brunet and De La Rosa agree that there is always room for improvement.